
EGX150 Schneider Electric Modbus RS485 Series Gateway

Original price was: $635.00.Current price is: $489.00.

The EGX150 gateway by Schneider Electric bridges Modbus RS485 devices with Ethernet networks, facilitating efficient data transfer and remote access.

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The EGX150 from Schneider Electric is a versatile gateway designed to bridge the gap between Modbus RS485 communication and Ethernet networks. This device is part of Schneider Electric’s range of solutions aimed at enhancing energy management and operational efficiency in various industrial and commercial settings. By providing a seamless connection between legacy Modbus RTU/ASCII devices and modern Ethernet networks, the EGX150 facilitates remote monitoring, control, and data collection.

Key Features and Specifications

  1. Modbus Protocol Support:
    • Modbus RTU/ASCII to Modbus TCP/IP: The EGX150 supports conversion between Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols used by legacy devices and Modbus TCP/IP, which is commonly used in Ethernet networks. This allows for integration of older devices into contemporary network infrastructures.
    • Protocol Conversion: The gateway translates Modbus RTU/ASCII data from connected devices into Modbus TCP/IP format, making it compatible with Ethernet-based monitoring systems.
  2. Communication Ports:
    • RS-485 Communication Port: The EGX150 is equipped with an RS-485 port for connecting to Modbus RTU/ASCII devices. This port allows for robust, long-distance communication with minimal signal degradation.
    • Ethernet Port: The gateway features a standard Ethernet port (RJ45) for connecting to a local area network (LAN). This port facilitates communication between the EGX150 and other devices or systems over the network.
  3. Configuration and Setup:
    • Web-Based Configuration: Users can configure the EGX150 via its web-based interface. By entering the device’s IP address into a web browser, users can access configuration settings, adjust network parameters, and set up Modbus communication parameters.
    • Flexible Network Settings: The gateway supports standard network configurations including static IP addresses and DHCP. Users can set IP address, subnet mask, and gateway parameters to integrate the EGX150 into their existing network infrastructure.
  4. Data Handling:
    • Data Logging and Retrieval: The EGX150 can log data from connected Modbus devices, which can be retrieved for analysis or reporting. This functionality is particularly useful for monitoring trends and performing historical data analysis.
    • Real-Time Data Access: Through its Ethernet connection, the gateway provides real-time access to data from Modbus devices. This enables users to monitor and respond to system conditions as they happen.
  5. Security Features:
    • Network Security: The EGX150 includes security features such as password protection for its web interface, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and configure the device.
    • Data Integrity: The device supports data integrity measures to ensure accurate and reliable communication between Modbus devices and the Ethernet network.
  6. Integration Capabilities:
    • Compatibility: The EGX150 is compatible with a wide range of Modbus RTU/ASCII devices, including energy meters, PLCs, and other industrial equipment. This broad compatibility makes it a versatile solution for various applications.
    • Monitoring Systems: The gateway integrates seamlessly with energy management systems (EMS) and building management systems (BMS), enabling centralized monitoring and control of multiple devices.
  7. Installation and Wiring:
    • Physical Installation: The EGX150 is designed for easy installation. It can be mounted on a DIN rail or installed in a control panel, making it suitable for different environments.
    • Wiring: Proper wiring is crucial for reliable operation. The RS-485 connections should be made using twisted pair cables to minimize interference, and the Ethernet connection should follow standard networking practices to ensure a stable connection.


  1. Industrial Automation:
    • The EGX150 facilitates the integration of older Modbus RTU/ASCII-based devices into modern Ethernet networks. This is particularly useful in industrial automation where legacy equipment needs to be connected to new control systems or monitoring platforms.
  2. Energy Management:
    • In energy management systems, the gateway allows for the collection and analysis of data from various Modbus-enabled energy meters and sensors. This data can be used to optimize energy consumption, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency.
  3. Building Management:
    • For building management systems, the EGX150 enables the integration of different building systems such as HVAC, lighting, and security into a unified network. This integration allows for centralized control and monitoring.
  4. Utility Monitoring:
    • Utilities can use the EGX150 to collect data from Modbus-enabled monitoring devices deployed across their infrastructure. The ability to access this data remotely helps in managing and optimizing utility services.

Configuration and Operation

  1. Initial Setup:
    • Connecting Devices: Connect the RS-485 terminals of the EGX150 to the Modbus RTU/ASCII devices. Ensure proper wiring and termination to avoid communication errors.
    • Network Connection: Connect the Ethernet port of the EGX150 to the network using an Ethernet cable. Configure the network settings via the web interface to integrate the gateway into your network.
  2. Web Interface Configuration:
    • Accessing the Interface: Enter the EGX150’s IP address into a web browser to access the configuration interface. Log in using the default credentials and change the password for security.
    • Setting Parameters: Configure the Modbus communication parameters, including baud rate, parity, and stop bits, to match those of the connected Modbus devices. Adjust network settings such as IP address, subnet mask, and gateway as needed.
  3. Testing and Verification:
    • Communication Check: Verify that the EGX150 is correctly communicating with the Modbus devices by using Modbus diagnostic tools or software. Check for successful data transfer and ensure that data from the Modbus devices is being correctly displayed on the network.
  4. Troubleshooting:
    • Common Issues: Address common issues such as communication errors or network connectivity problems. Ensure that all wiring is correct and that the Modbus parameters match those of the connected devices.


  1. Enhanced Integration:
    • The EGX150 provides a straightforward solution for integrating legacy Modbus RTU/ASCII devices into Ethernet networks. This capability enhances the flexibility and scalability of industrial and commercial systems.
  2. Improved Data Access:
    • By converting Modbus data to Modbus TCP/IP, the gateway enables remote monitoring and control, improving accessibility and management of system data.
  3. Cost Efficiency:
    • Integrating existing Modbus devices into a network using the EGX150 avoids the need for costly equipment upgrades, offering a cost-effective solution for modernizing system infrastructure.
  4. Centralized Monitoring:
    • The ability to connect multiple Modbus devices to a centralized monitoring system streamlines management and provides a comprehensive view of system performance.


The EGX150 Schneider Electric Modbus RS485 Series Gateway is a crucial device for bridging the communication gap between legacy Modbus RTU/ASCII devices and modern Ethernet networks. Its features, including protocol conversion, real-time data access, and web-based configuration, make it an essential tool for industrial, commercial, and utility applications. By facilitating seamless integration and enhancing data accessibility, the EGX150 supports efficient energy management, improved system performance, and cost-effective upgrades.