

Original price was: $4,290.00.Current price is: $3,861.00.



Model: XBTF024610

The Schneider Electric XBTF024610 is an advanced operator interface terminal (OIT) designed for use in industrial automation and control systems. As part of Schneider Electric’s Magelis range, the XBTF024610 combines robust design, user-friendly operation, and versatile connectivity to provide an efficient and reliable human-machine interface (HMI) solution. Here’s an in-depth look at its features, applications, benefits, and technical specifications:

Overview of Schneider Electric XBTF024610

The XBTF024610 is a touchscreen HMI terminal that facilitates interaction between human operators and automated machinery. It provides real-time data visualization, system control, and diagnostics, enhancing operational efficiency and enabling effective process management in industrial environments.

Key Features

1. Touchscreen Interface:

The XBTF024610 features a high-resolution color touchscreen, offering intuitive and user-friendly navigation. The touchscreen interface allows operators to interact with the system easily, accessing data, control functions, and diagnostics with minimal training.

2. Versatile Connectivity:

This HMI terminal supports multiple communication protocols, including Modbus, Ethernet, and CANopen. Such versatility ensures seamless integration with a wide range of PLCs, drives, and other automation devices, facilitating centralized control and monitoring.

3. Advanced Data Visualization:

With the ability to display complex data in various formats, including graphs, charts, and diagrams, the XBTF024610 enables operators to monitor system performance and make informed decisions quickly. The terminal supports high-resolution graphics, enhancing clarity and readability.

4. Robust and Durable Design:

Designed for industrial environments, the XBTF024610 boasts a robust construction that can withstand harsh conditions, including extreme temperatures, dust, and moisture. Its durability ensures reliable performance in demanding applications.

5. Customizable Interface:

The HMI terminal offers customizable screen layouts, allowing users to tailor the interface to their specific needs. This feature enhances usability and operational efficiency, as operators can configure the display to show relevant data and controls.

6. Real-time Diagnostics and Alarms:

The XBTF024610 includes advanced diagnostic functions and real-time alarm management. These capabilities help operators detect and address issues promptly, minimizing downtime and improving system reliability.


The Schneider Electric XBTF024610 is suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, including:

  • Manufacturing: Used in production lines to monitor and control machinery, ensuring efficient and precise operation.
  • Process Control: Facilitates the management of complex processes in industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and food and beverage.
  • Building Automation: Controls HVAC systems, lighting, and other building management functions for enhanced energy efficiency and comfort.
  • Energy Management: Monitors and manages energy consumption in industrial facilities, contributing to sustainability goals and cost savings.


1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency:

The intuitive touchscreen interface and advanced data visualization capabilities enable operators to monitor and control systems more effectively. This leads to improved process efficiency and reduced operational errors.

2. Improved System Reliability:

Real-time diagnostics and alarm management help identify potential issues early, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The robust design ensures continuous operation in harsh industrial environments.

3. Versatile Integration:

The support for multiple communication protocols allows seamless integration with various automation devices, providing a centralized platform for system control and monitoring.

4. Customizable and Scalable:

The customizable interface and flexible connectivity options make the XBTF024610 suitable for a wide range of applications and scalable to meet growing operational needs.

5. Cost Savings:

By enhancing process control and reducing downtime, the HMI terminal contributes to significant cost savings in terms of maintenance, energy consumption, and operational efficiency.

Technical Specifications

  • Display: High-resolution color touchscreen
  • Connectivity: Supports Modbus, Ethernet, CANopen, and other communication protocols
  • Operating Temperature: Designed to operate in a wide temperature range suitable for industrial environments
  • Protection Rating: IP65 rating, ensuring resistance to dust and water ingress
  • Power Supply: Compatible with standard industrial power supply specifications
  • Dimensions: Compact design for easy installation and integration into control panels

Installation and Maintenance


The XBTF024610 should be installed by qualified personnel following Schneider Electric’s installation guidelines and industry standards. Proper mounting and wiring are essential to ensure safe and reliable operation.


Regular maintenance includes cleaning the touchscreen, checking electrical connections, and updating software/firmware as necessary. Periodic inspections help ensure optimal performance and longevity of the HMI terminal.


The Schneider Electric XBTF024610 operator interface terminal is a powerful and versatile HMI solution for industrial automation. Its advanced features, robust design, and user-friendly interface make it an ideal choice for enhancing process control and operational efficiency in a wide range of applications. By providing real-time data visualization, diagnostics, and seamless connectivity, the XBTF024610 helps operators manage complex systems effectively, contributing to improved productivity and reduced costs in industrial environments.