Siemens Micromaster 440

Understanding Siemens Micromaster 440 Fault Codes


The Siemens Micromaster 440 is a versatile and powerful variable frequency drive (VFD) widely used in industrial applications for motor control. Like any sophisticated piece of equipment, it can encounter various faults that need to be diagnosed and resolved to maintain optimal operation. This article delves into the common fault codes of the Siemens Micromaster 440, their meanings, causes, and troubleshooting steps. We have been serving the automation and control industry for years, providing top-notch solutions to clients around the globe. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we are proud to be available 24/7 to meet your needs. Whether you require expert consultation, cutting-edge products, or reliable support, we are here to assist you anytime, anywhere.

Introduction to Siemens Micromaster 440

The Siemens Micromaster 440 is designed for complex and high-performance motor control applications. It offers advanced features such as vector control, numerous programmable I/O, and extensive communication options. Despite its robust design, users may occasionally encounter fault codes indicating issues that need addressing.

Common Siemens Micromaster 440 Fault Codes

Here, we cover some of the most frequently encountered fault codes, providing detailed explanations and solutions.

F0001: Overcurrent

Meaning: The drive has detected an overcurrent condition.


  • Short circuit or ground fault
  • Motor stall
  • Incorrect motor parameters
  • Rapid acceleration/deceleration


  • Check the motor and cable for short circuits.
  • Verify the motor parameters and match them with the motor nameplate.
  • Adjust the acceleration and deceleration times.
  • Ensure proper load settings and motor conditions.

F0002: Overvoltage

Meaning: The DC link voltage has exceeded the permissible limit.


  • Excessive line voltage
  • Insufficient braking resistor
  • High regenerative energy from the motor


  • Check the line voltage and compare it with the drive’s specifications.
  • Install or check the braking resistor.
  • Adjust the deceleration ramp to reduce regenerative energy.

F0003: Undervoltage

Meaning: The DC link voltage is below the permissible limit.


  • Low line voltage
  • Power supply issues


  • Verify the line voltage is within the specified range.
  • Inspect the power supply connections and components.

F0004: Inverter Overtemperature

Meaning: The inverter’s internal temperature has exceeded the safe operating limit.


  • Inadequate cooling
  • High ambient temperature
  • Clogged air filters


  • Ensure adequate ventilation and cooling for the drive.
  • Check the ambient temperature and maintain it within the specified limits.
  • Clean or replace air filters as necessary.

F0005: Motor Overtemperature

Meaning: The motor temperature has exceeded the permissible limit.


  • Overloaded motor
  • Insufficient cooling
  • Incorrect motor settings


  • Reduce the motor load to within safe operating levels.
  • Ensure proper motor cooling and ventilation.
  • Verify and correct the motor parameters.

F0011: Motor Stall

Meaning: The motor has stalled during operation.


  • Excessive load
  • Mechanical blockage
  • Incorrect motor parameters


  • Reduce the load on the motor.
  • Check for mechanical blockages or obstructions.
  • Adjust the motor parameters to match the application requirements.

F0012: External Fault

Meaning: An external fault has been triggered.


  • Faulty external wiring or devices
  • Incorrect parameter settings


  • Inspect and correct external wiring and connections.
  • Verify external devices are functioning correctly.
  • Adjust the relevant parameters to ensure proper operation.

F0025: Parameter Error

Meaning: There is an error in one or more parameters.


  • Incorrect parameter settings
  • Corrupted parameter file


  • Review and correct the parameter settings.
  • Reset to factory settings if necessary and reconfigure the parameters.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance Tips

To minimize the occurrence of fault codes and ensure smooth operation of the Siemens Micromaster 440, consider the following preventive measures and maintenance tips:

  • Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect the drive, motor, and associated components for wear and damage.
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure that the drive is installed in a well-ventilated area to prevent overheating.
  • Parameter Verification: Regularly verify and update parameter settings to match the application requirements.
  • Routine Cleaning: Keep the drive and surrounding area clean and free of dust and debris.
  • Firmware Updates: Keep the drive’s firmware updated to benefit from the latest features and fixes.


Understanding and troubleshooting Siemens Micromaster 440 fault codes is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and reliability of your motor control system. By familiarizing yourself with the common fault codes and their resolutions, you can quickly diagnose issues and implement corrective actions, minimizing downtime and enhancing productivity.

For more detailed information, technical support, or to purchase Siemens Micromaster 440 drives and accessories, visit our website or contact us directly at +1 416 840 4997 or